Welcome to The Pastor Who Podcast, where we explore the challenges and triumphs of real pastors who are on the front lines of ministry. Each week, we sit down with a different pastor to dive deep into their personal experiences, struggles, and successes in leading their congregation. Our aim is to offer insights into the world of pastoral leadership, to inspire and encourage those who are currently serving, and to provide a glimpse into the heart of those who have dedicated their lives to serving their communities. Episode Format: Each episode of The Pastor Who Podcast will feature an interview with a different pastor, who will share their personal journey in ministry. We'll explore their call to ministry, the challenges they've faced, and the lessons they've learned along the way. We'll also discuss the unique aspects of their ministry and the ways they've adapted to the changing needs of their congregation. Some possible episode topics include: • The Challenges of Starting a New Church • The Importance of Community Outreach • Balancing Family and Ministry • Dealing with Burnout and Compassion Fatigue • Handling Conflict and Church Politics • The Role of Technology in Ministry Host: Eugen Rosu, DMin